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 Xape 70 Rogue Application.

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4 posters

Xape 70 Rogue Application. Empty
PosteTema: Xape 70 Rogue Application.   Xape 70 Rogue Application. Icon_minitimeOns Des 19, 2007 9:42 pm

Hi there.
The reason i would like to join your guild is that i heard a lot of good things from my buddy Uknuselig , we used too raid together in ROTS (Riders on the Storm , alliance) , and i heard you where looking for a rogue or two , so i thought , what the heck , let's apply at least Smile
Character Info :

Name: Xape
Class : Rogue
Race : Undead
Level: 70
Keys/attunements : All heroic keys , and kara attuned.

I don't have alot of PVE gear on this char , since it's mainly been my source of wicked alliance ganking and pvp'ing
But i have some parts of the blue lvl 70 dungeon set in my bank , and at least 1 heroic epic item.
And will not be very hard for me to actually get some gear fast if that is needed , but i can still deal quite a bit of dmg with my current gear.
I'll try to get this armory link to work :


Raid experience :

PreTBC : cleared MC , BWL , AQ (only C'thun left) and Naxx ( cleared spider wing , and beaten Instructor and Noth)
TBC : Everything up to even kael'thas ( but in TBC i raided as a mage)

I used to be the classleader of the rogues of ROTS (Riders on the storm) PreTBC , so i must say that i know my class more than enough.
Previous guilds :

ROTS , and i never left , i'm still there with my ally chars , but i stopped raiding with my mage there , and i have been playing more and more horde as of lately , so i think this i my new path.

My reason for applying to Avoidance is because i wanted to start raiding again as a rogue , since i find rogue class to be generally cool dudes and they bring -alot- of dps to raids when played right.
And since you guys almost just started raiding and you were looking for rogues to join your ranks , i thought that i could offer you my assistance and experience as a previous hard-to-the-core raiding rogue.


Personal Info:

Name : Per Christian Olsen
Age : 21
Location : Sandefjord , vestfold , Norway
Playtime : I get off work at about 16.00 , and i usually stay awake too 24.00 - 01.00 , so i can really play whenever i'm needed.

so that's me , Xape the Rogue. I'll be looking forward to any answer Smile

Ps.. i looked at Uknuselig's application , it seemed so pro , so i kinda copied the form Razz
pps.. jeg fant også ut at dere var norske , må bare beklage for engelsk application , men var så godt i gang da jeg fant det ut.
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Xape 70 Rogue Application. Empty
PosteTema: Re: Xape 70 Rogue Application.   Xape 70 Rogue Application. Icon_minitimeOns Des 19, 2007 10:10 pm

, der var riktig armory profil , men er reint pvp gear equippa atm.
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Xape 70 Rogue Application. Empty
PosteTema: Re: Xape 70 Rogue Application.   Xape 70 Rogue Application. Icon_minitimeOns Des 19, 2007 10:11 pm

eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Grim+Batol&n=Xape , der var riktig armory profil , men er reint pvp gear equippa atm. prøver igjen
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Antall Innlegg : 19
Age : 33
Location : Bergen!
Registration date : 16.12.2007

Xape 70 Rogue Application. Empty
PosteTema: Re: Xape 70 Rogue Application.   Xape 70 Rogue Application. Icon_minitimeOns Des 19, 2007 11:51 pm

God apply!

Har ikke så mye peiling på Roguer men du har mye raid erfaring,
så det vil sikkert være til god hjelp.

Men det er opp til Fektefaen ;=)
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Antall Innlegg : 41
Age : 34
Location : Sandnes, Norway
Registration date : 16.12.2007

Xape 70 Rogue Application. Empty
PosteTema: Re: Xape 70 Rogue Application.   Xape 70 Rogue Application. Icon_minitimeTor Des 20, 2007 2:22 am

Ser meget bra ut!
Voter for deg jeg, så lykke til!
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Antall Innlegg : 57
Age : 35
Location : Haugesund
Registration date : 16.12.2007

Xape 70 Rogue Application. Empty
PosteTema: Re: Xape 70 Rogue Application.   Xape 70 Rogue Application. Icon_minitimeTor Des 20, 2007 2:27 am

Kjekt å se en skikkelig apply.. Også kjekt å se en som også har spillt i di gode gamle bwl,aq40, å naxx. Spilte selv rogue den tiden og det krever at en person kan sin class.

Jeg gir deg vertfall mitt ja, men igjen det er opp til rogue officeren:)

Lykke til!
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Antall Innlegg : 9
Registration date : 16.12.2007

Xape 70 Rogue Application. Empty
PosteTema: Re: Xape 70 Rogue Application.   Xape 70 Rogue Application. Icon_minitimeTor Des 20, 2007 3:29 pm

Veldig fin apply og ser at du har erfaring.... gearet var ikke helt topp men er du flink burde ikke det være noe problem å geare opp... jeg sier vi gir deg et try.. grats
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Antall Innlegg : 9
Registration date : 16.12.2007

Xape 70 Rogue Application. Empty
PosteTema: Re: Xape 70 Rogue Application.   Xape 70 Rogue Application. Icon_minitimeTor Des 20, 2007 3:30 pm

Whisper Clix ingame for invite
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Xape 70 Rogue Application. Empty
PosteTema: Re: Xape 70 Rogue Application.   Xape 70 Rogue Application. Icon_minitime

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Xape 70 Rogue Application.
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